Liquid lipsticks are HUGE now, and they were made popular by the Kardashians. A liquid lipstick contains a lot of pigment, in fact way more pigment than a traditional lipstick which contains more oils to give it the moisturising quality. The large amount of pigment in a liquid lipstick gives it the dense colour that people want. I think all brands are making liquid lipsticks now from DIOR, to NARS, to Maybelline, to Wet and Wild.
What sets them apart from Lipsticks?
Dense pigments making the lips rich in colour.
The have a matte finish which is a HUGE trend, so they are good for people that do not like shiny glossy lipsticks.
They last longer than traditional lipsticks because of the rich pigment and matte formulations.
Most will not smudge under a facemask if you are still wearing one.
What woman have trouble with them is:
They can stain the skin so good application techniques is important.
Any matte finish can make lips appear smaller therefore can age you (as we age our lips get smaller).
They can be drying.

As I have said above, liquid lipsticks can last a very long time providing your lips don’t come into contact with anything oily (more about that a little later). The packaging is a like a lip gloss in that it comes in a tube with a doe foot applicator that you use to paint the colour onto the lips.
A word of warning when using lip stains like these. They can stain your skin so application may take a little more time than applying a lipstick.

Products Needed
To make things a little easier I wanted to talk you through what you are going to need to hand when you are applying these.
The Liquid Lipstick
A decent mirror.
Cotton bud
A water-based eye makeup remover.
Maybe a touch of powder and a matching lipliner just in case.
To explain this process then please have a look at the video clip at the end of this post taken from my Essential Guide to Makeup Course.
The Liquid Lipstick Application
Blot your lips with a tissue getting rid of any moisture.
It is essential that you look in the mirror when you are applying these as the pigment is rich and it will stain.
Holding the doe applicator wipe of any access product on the tip with your piece of tissue. This will help you get a crisper line.
Open your mouth slightly, starting on your bottom lip and find the part of your lips that is closest to your teeth without being inside your mouth (top of your lower lip) and start applying the product with the tip of the doe foot applicator sweeping the applicator back and forth, so you are saturating your lips full of colour until you reach your lip line.
Now, start on your top lip but use the tip of the applicator to trace your upper lip line first before patting your lips together like you are saying a me me me sound, you may wish to make the sound if that helps.