Do you want DIOR-ific skin?

Dior have reformulated their DIORSKIN FOREVER Foundation. This foundation has a SPF 35, is long lasting and pore refining! I was a little concerned that they reformulated their foundation but after trying it for a little over a month it is safe to say that I LOVE IT!

Here is a picture of me wearing it. Apologies for me not smiling. As you can see that my complextion is smooth and even toned even though the foundation is heavier in coverage I can still see my freckles through the foundation which I like! I applied this foundation over the DIORSKIN FOREVER & EVER WER Extreme Perfection & Hold Makeup Base. I applied that with my fingers, you only need a drop or two. Then I applied the DIORSKIN FOREVER Foundation with my fingers before buffing it in with a brush. Then I concealed and powdered well. This foundation does take a little work in a applying because the coverage is heavier. Its definetly worth it though. Let me know you thoughts if you have tried it or not? I am sure you could get a sample at your local Dior counter!